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Friday, April 16, 2010

 Eat Eggs without Fear
So, you love to eat eggs, be it, scrambled, sunny side-up or boiled. But the problem is, we have this long standing fear of eating too much of it. It use to be that eggs were thought to be high in cholesterol. Actually that isn't the case at all! In a recent study, women that ate six eggs per week reduced the risk of developing breast cancer by a whopping 44%. Eating eggs on a regular basis can also reduce your risk of stroke and heart attacks.

One egg has 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat, with only 1.5 grams of the fat content being saturated fat. Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D, important in the absorption of calcium, maintaining hormonal balance and a healthy functioning immune system. Eggs also contain all 9 amino acids and the highest quality of proteins over any other food.

Eggs contain nutrients known as lutein and zeaxanthin. By eating one egg a day, these nutrients can prevent macular degeneration, a chronic condition that causes central vision loss. Studies show that these nutrients also lower the risk of developing cataracts. These nutrients are mainly found in eggs rather than any other source. Eggs also contain around 300 micrograms of choline, a nutrient that aids in regulating the brain and nervous system.

Add eggs to your diet as part of your beauty regimen. Eggs contain a large content of sulfur which promotes hair and nail growth. Some report that eggs make their hair and nails actually grow faster.

Eggs are not only great for hair and nails, they also promote weight management and muscle strength for a more healthy looking appearance. The Louisiana State University conducted a study of obese people that showed a sixty five percent increase in weigh loss by eating two eggs at least five times a week. Eggs are good for muscle repair especially after a hard workout. 331

One egg is no better than the other. Whether the eggs you buy are brown or white, they all have the same nutritional value except for the Omega-3 enhanced. These eggs contain fatty acids that are good for your heart and are definitely a better choice if you aren't a big fish eater.

Whether you like your eggs whipped, scrambled, boiled, fried, poached or baked, there's no doubt they are still the "incredible edible egg."

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