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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

 Benefits of Oats

Many have heard of the great things oats can do to our health, but like me I am too busy to mind what's healthy and what's not.  I have received a very loving E-mail from a good friend Bea.  This is simply about the benefits we can get from oats.  I was touched, though it doesn't contain any personal message for me I can still feel the warmth of her friendship.   I know, she never skips her day without eating oats.  I am very much inspired of her quest to be better, in spite of her struggles.  Thanks for sharing this, my friend. 

Oats.  This is a cereal plant that is considered to be soothing food for the nerves. It is one of the best sources of Inositol, which is important for maintaining blood cholesterol level. Oats are amazingly high in calcium, potassium and magnesium, together with lots of B complex – all are vital to a healthy nervous system.

1. Eating oats regularly will lower your blood cholesterol level

2. Buy and eat oats if you're feeling sad. It’s a natural antidepressant - will make you feel calmer and normally used to treat depression, anxiety and nervous disorder

3. Unrefined oatmeal can be eaten on regular basis to reduce stress while cooked oats will relieve fatigue

4. Because of its high fiber content, the other benefit of oats is in protecting us from bowel cancer.

Country Choice Organic Irish Steel Cut Oats, 30-Ounce Canister (Pack of 6)  Quaker Oats - 2/4.5 lb. bags
The Use:
1. A bowl of oat porridge with a spoonful of honey makes a calming breakfast for a child in the morning before an exam

2. If you suffer from constipation, try eating raw oats before looking for any drugs.

3. Oatmeal bath ( a form of water therapy) will help heal eczema and other skin conditions

4. Make it your choice of cereal if you want to reduce your cholesterol level. Take it daily.

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