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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Frightened to Death!

My Sky Experience Adventure
Aren't we grateful we have arrived in the "digital age"? Now I have this chance to share this experience to the world in just a snap of the finger or shall I say in just a click?

One frightful night on the 13th of October 2009 at exactly 6:52 pm at the Towers of Regency Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines.  This is actually a last minute adventure with my friend Bi-an, a.k.a. Princess (Her flight was scheduled just few hours after this scary event.). We tried the Sky walk Adventure.

And so I thought I am strong enough to take this challenge, but I was wrong.   From the start 'till the end of this event, I was very silent.  It's as if I was struck dumb with astonishment and surprise.  Ha ha ha! I wanted to laugh at myself now that I realize that I finally found myself super to the maximum level behave and finesse.  It was that very moment that I extremely fear my own death.

Don't take me wrong, the ride was safe and fun!.  We were accompanied by two nice individuals. One is Mr. Cutie (he he... forgot the name, but princess gave that name to him for obvious reasons) and the other is the Camera Lady.  Before the ride they let us watch a video which explains how we stay safe while enjoying the sky walk.  Then, Mr. Cutie made sure we understood all the safety precautions and demonstrated how to wear the Sky walk Suit and attached the harness securely.

Now that we're ready, it's time to step our feet to the door leading us to the way out of the 37th floor of Regency Hotel and Towers.  WHOOSH!! Suddenly I felt afraid, I can't move my feet, and experience shortness of breath. The glass floor parts of the walk made me feel I am really sky walking! Well, Mr. Cutie was doing his job well in making us feel calm and keeping us distracted from our fear and made us laugh a little.   The camera lady made us pause from time to time for the photo shoot, and I'm glad I still manage giving fake smiles...:D

Few words I utter during the walk: " Waaahhh!! What am I doing here?! I'm not doing this thing again!!"

Guess what?! I'm going back! - This time at daylight to double the thrill. ;)

Try the SKY WALK RIDE when you visit Cebu!

I survived!!!
This video will help you visualize the thrill  :)

1 comment:

  1. This was really a one of a kind experience... Truly, this was the only moment that Jet was sooooo..... quiet. :P

    Good thing Mr. Cutie had a sense of humor, it distracted us to forget our fears. The photo shoot was also a big factor that made us calm. :D

    Thanks My Queenie for sharing this unforgettable experience with me. - Princess :D


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